The T4E1 Ammunition Chest, also sometimes referred to as an M1 ammunition chest features a unique rotary locking mechanism and lid. The T4 had a rather short lived service life as it barely made it past prototype stage and was quickly replaced by the M1 ammo can. The locking method for this chest featured a rotating handle on either small end of the chest to slide into a slot in the lid and hold it on. In addition the lid could not be openend without being removed as it featured no pinned hinge. The T4 has been seen in three original colours, a red primer, white and an OD green, in addition to these three colours they were also manufactured by three companies. An M marking being the most common, City Auto Stamping, and Artkraft Strauss Company being the least common. This chest was issued with an oil soaked paper gasket on the inside of the lid, and variation of the top edge of the chest has also been seen. Some being straight and smooth, and a few versions of a “ripped” edge.
The initial development production was around 1500 chests produced bij City Auto Stamping of Toledo, Ohio but total production numbers and dates are unknown at this time.
This info came from Hunter Smith, Austin Texas and Bass Kroeske .